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Showing posts from 2009

Winter Solstice or Yule

I do not agree with the Solar calendar system; the year ends when I just want to stay inside and stay warm. I prefer instead to use the Solstices as a calendar. The beginning of the Spring Solstice is the end of the year. Each successive Solstice marking an ending and the beginning of the season. I like to look at the winter solstice, Yule, or Consualia as the time to finalize the year. The Winter Solstice is perhaps the most powerful and mysterious time of the year. It is this time I use to meet the goals that I set out to accomplish in the Spring time. I try to slow things down during the Christmas rush. Hustling the holiday is not what I call a Holiday. This is the time I choose to re-examine the goals I made for the year. Saturnalia is actually the Christmas Holiday. Coming from the Greek/Roman calendar and holiday traditions we now have for Christmas. During that time, it was a time to relax from labor, celebrate the end of the farming season and store the harvest for the comi...

Vote With Your Actions

Vote With Your Actions Adam McFarland has a great article on how your actions speak volumes of what you care about. I encourage you to read the post. Near the end of the article, take your time and answer the questions for yourself. I have been asking the same type of questions and started to make changes to reflect what I care about the most. As I posted on my status on my Facebook page; "The simple things are scarce. You've got to figure about for what & whom you care."

Today is the day of the Revolution!

The carefully guarded legacy of the Beatles is to be unleashed again upon the world. It is truly another invasion in the form of a Revolution. The release of the third popular "Rock Band" and "Guitar Hero" allow players to mimic their favorite Beatles band member with "The Beatles: Rock Band." Forty-five Beatles tunes are featured in the game with instrumental parts, accompanied by animation sequences that will draw oohs and ahhs from fans. Fans choose a song and a member of the band, like, George Harrison's guitar line on "Day Tripper" and follow along as the animated Beatles perform. Fans will play their favorite songs through great venues such as the Cavern Club and Shea Stadium. Later sequences take place in Abbey Road studio and other interpretive fantasy environments inspired by song lyrics and themes. The seed was planted by son of George Harrision, the late Beatles guitarist, Dhani Harrison, who approached Harmonix with the idea. Ever...

Meditate and Destroy_Homepage

Learning to Trust Myself First

I have been at some serious changes for atleast a year now and I still have so much too learn. I have experienced so many wonderful things and have interacted with some of the greatest people ever. This next year I am planning on working even harder to integrate my paradigm's foundation. Watching every energy of underlying thought, word, deed and experience that I choose. Thought does truly create and it has become even more true to my experience over the last year. The brain is the tool that I have trying so hard to understand and control. I have learned that the brain is not the originator of my thoughts, but rather a transmitter that makes thoughts come to truth, at all levels, manifesting into the physical world. My higher self, the soul that exists all around me, controls my knowledge. Accessing my knowledge where it is really stored has been a great focus for me with lots of testing to quicken and enlighten me. I often will use meditation and reflection as a means of developi...

Dealing with the changes ahead: three tips

How has your sleep been recently? Mine have been impossibly difficult. I wake at 12 a.m., and at 3 a.m. wide awake. Sometimes more. It is so difficult to go back to sleep. I would like to say I don't understand why I am waking up feeling revived and ready to go. I do know the reasons. Many significant changes are happening to all of humanity. Powerful days lay before all of us. Some dread the coming days. Some are gleeful about the changes and face the changes easily. Trials and tribulations face all in the coming weeks, even those who had been successful all along will suffer during this short time. None of these experiences need have a painful purpose. The infliction of suffering and pain are opportunities to come closer to higher sources and be more compassionate and humble. Difficult trials do that even in the most darkest moments. We come out of them either more grateful or considerably depressed for what has happened to us. Knowing ourselves in these moments ultimately shape ...

The Guilt Trip

I must be very honest. I am so tired of the favorite trick of religion to try and control people, the guilt trip. Constant effort to is put into communication that the wrathful zapping jealous God will withdraw his love, blessing and covenants if you, His perfect creation do not do as you are told. No organization is necessary or even desirable to have a wonderful spiritual loving relationship with GOD. Any who use guilt or scare tactics such as "withdrawing the spirit", "blessings of the covenant are withheld" or being "cast into everlasting darkness" are accurately representing God. These are just beliefs grounded in fear and lack of that organization continuance beyond its current membership and mortal leaders. "Sinners Welcome" on a huge billboard tells you to come and join in the fellowship. But if you take your tithes and go somewhere else or worship God in truth you are a sinner and are condemned. All of Christianity and Islam use these ta...

Watch, Act, Heal

This walk I have been taking down the little path of spirituality often has dropped me off into a emotional void. Trust and love seem to be the first emotions to close up and withdrawal. With a lifetime of being incorrectly educated to be concerned with others opinions and desires, I have created situations of distrust and conditional love. I have done this to spouses, children and other people, creating victims and martyrs alike. I am changing this with the Four Agreements. So this emotional void or abyss that one must traverse to gain a better understanding of the different parts of the heart and mind is very scary and I am so convinced it is full of demons and dragons of hurt and suffering. I understand that I must trust myself, in soul purpose and higher mind purpose, to guide and hold a space of openness, trust and love. To reach for the highest ideal I can access and pay attention thoughts, feelings and intentions I must remain focused, maintaining peak states of Now. Paying atte...

Giving more to my spouse

Currently I am working through several books, self-help, higher consciousness, type books. One is by Steve Pavlina "Personal Development for Smart People" and another Don Miguel Ruiz "The Four Agreements". My goal was to read three books a month that will challenge me to make changes. Of course I still have my other spiritual studies that I am to complete. I am doing okay on this challenge. Recently my lovely spouse has decided to be really challenging too my development and has produced a list of "expectations" she has for a spouse. To say the least, she has been frustrated with me lately. Understandably so. So in return I will be making a list of intentions for her. I am working through the list and making sure that each thing is inspiring, practical, purposeful and yet just challenging enough to not provoking to her free agency, goals and desires. Before I get into finalizing that list I am going to make some of my intentions known to the world, my sp...

Music Appreciation Online Class Post

Currently I am taking a Music Appreciation online class from my local community college. Part of the class is of course discussion. Since it is a closed forum I thought I would post my answer to this discussion. I am doing so mainly because the professor really liked my statements about the questions asked. Please enjoy. Begin-- If one goes to Hastings, Best Buy, or another store that sells pre-packaged music (e.g.- CD format or DVD-Audio), one will see that anything that is not Popular Culture Music, Jazz, or Folk Music is lumped into the the section of "Classical." The actual definition of "Classical' differs from the popular culture use, and within the field of learned music, has a meaning that many of you might not know. So, research the term "Classical" and answer the following quesitons: What is Classical? Classical is easily identifiable as something of high regard that has withstood the test of antiquity, and is considered of high value due to appr...

What Heaven and Hell are like

A holy man was having a conversation with God one day and said, ' God , I would like to know what Heaven and Hell are like.' God led the holy man to two doors. He opened one of the doors and the holy man looked in. In the middle of the room was a large round table. In the middle of the table was a large pot of stew, which smelled delicious and made the holy man's mouth water. The people sitting around the table were thin and sickly. They appeared to be famished. They were holding spoons with very long handles, that were strapped to their arms and each found it possible to reach into the pot of stew and take a spoonful. But because the handle was longer than their arms, they could not get the spoons back into their mouths. The holy man shuddered at the sight of their misery and suffering. God said, 'You have seen Hell.' They went to the next room and opened the door. It was exactly the same as the first one. There was the large round table with the large pot of stew ...

Love, Forgiveness, & Gratitude

So many people have thoughts of futility about their lives, it becomes frustrating to actually listen to others peoples conversations. Many are so wrapped up in the rigid patterns of perceived priorities they do not even remember why they are existing; everyday functions are performed on autopilot. Of course having a basic understanding of why we exist and what we are suppose to be accomplishing tend to take many on journeys of the soul. The struggle can be easily overcome for yourself and for everyone else around you if you can utilize these three applications -- love, forgiveness and gratitude. Not to say life will no longer have its challenges; solutions to the insurmountable issues will be much more available if you apply these three aspects. John Lennon's lyrics to the song "Love" says much about the true measure of love that we need to apply in our worldly lives. "Love is knowing we can be" is pure humanity. The love of God is beyond our understanding and ...