How has your sleep been recently? Mine have been impossibly difficult. I wake at 12 a.m., and at 3 a.m. wide awake. Sometimes more. It is so difficult to go back to sleep. I would like to say I don't understand why I am waking up feeling revived and ready to go. I do know the reasons.
Many significant changes are happening to all of humanity. Powerful days lay before all of us. Some dread the coming days. Some are gleeful about the changes and face the changes easily. Trials and tribulations face all in the coming weeks, even those who had been successful all along will suffer during this short time.
None of these experiences need have a painful purpose. The infliction of suffering and pain are opportunities to come closer to higher sources and be more compassionate and humble. Difficult trials do that even in the most darkest moments. We come out of them either more grateful or considerably depressed for what has happened to us.
Knowing ourselves in these moments ultimately shape who we are, knowing can prevent future pains if we will but listen to the cues all around us. I know I often do not listen or pay attention and suffer the hardships.
Much like surgery, a painful experience, that is much needed to remove a tumor, is needed to bring us to our true fulfillment. We suffer because of the actions but the real fact is we are working our way through the hard way. This does help clear the way for higher consciousness, prosperity and good health. There is also the easier method.
Here are three things I am going to do to integrate the current pattern of trials and tribulation I see ahead for me. You are welcome to do the same for yourself. Of course always consult within your heart first to see if these things will work for your situations.
First, understand the impact of the current trails you are experiencing. Get out your spiritual tools and rummage through for the perfect tool(s) for the job. We all have lots of different tools available to us if we will but try them out. Reminds me of my Grandfathers barn, which had every tool imaginable. None of my Uncles, Father or us grand-kids were allowed to use his tools. His rule was, "You need a tool, go get your own." Secretly, we used every tool on every project we could build.
Second, you should ensure you have the proper empowerment for your mind and heart. Get the right mind set for your intentions. Get to a place of peace, humbleness and thoroughly think through what is in your mind and heart. Doing some of the simplest things to bring the spirit into your place of being will ground your thoughts. Prayer, singing, write in a journal and other types of spiritual exercises help with bringing into your person those things that will clear the mind and heart.
The last thing for me is my greatest obstacle. Listen and observe, without judging, and without imposing expectations upon the outcomes of the trials. I often have to ask for intervention at times like these. Asking my family, friends, and God for help and gratefully accepting their help.
I am excited about the changes we all are experiencing, yet I do not envy anyone having and easy go of it. We can all come together for loving support and knowing compassion every problem that we face.
Be sure to watch this blog on September 9th, as I have a special announcement for family and friends. To be exact, at 09:09 am on 09/09/09. Ain't that just cute?
Now playing: Adam Curry & John Dvorak - NA-126-2009-08-30
via FoxyTunes
Many significant changes are happening to all of humanity. Powerful days lay before all of us. Some dread the coming days. Some are gleeful about the changes and face the changes easily. Trials and tribulations face all in the coming weeks, even those who had been successful all along will suffer during this short time.
None of these experiences need have a painful purpose. The infliction of suffering and pain are opportunities to come closer to higher sources and be more compassionate and humble. Difficult trials do that even in the most darkest moments. We come out of them either more grateful or considerably depressed for what has happened to us.
Knowing ourselves in these moments ultimately shape who we are, knowing can prevent future pains if we will but listen to the cues all around us. I know I often do not listen or pay attention and suffer the hardships.
Much like surgery, a painful experience, that is much needed to remove a tumor, is needed to bring us to our true fulfillment. We suffer because of the actions but the real fact is we are working our way through the hard way. This does help clear the way for higher consciousness, prosperity and good health. There is also the easier method.
Here are three things I am going to do to integrate the current pattern of trials and tribulation I see ahead for me. You are welcome to do the same for yourself. Of course always consult within your heart first to see if these things will work for your situations.
First, understand the impact of the current trails you are experiencing. Get out your spiritual tools and rummage through for the perfect tool(s) for the job. We all have lots of different tools available to us if we will but try them out. Reminds me of my Grandfathers barn, which had every tool imaginable. None of my Uncles, Father or us grand-kids were allowed to use his tools. His rule was, "You need a tool, go get your own." Secretly, we used every tool on every project we could build.
Second, you should ensure you have the proper empowerment for your mind and heart. Get the right mind set for your intentions. Get to a place of peace, humbleness and thoroughly think through what is in your mind and heart. Doing some of the simplest things to bring the spirit into your place of being will ground your thoughts. Prayer, singing, write in a journal and other types of spiritual exercises help with bringing into your person those things that will clear the mind and heart.
The last thing for me is my greatest obstacle. Listen and observe, without judging, and without imposing expectations upon the outcomes of the trials. I often have to ask for intervention at times like these. Asking my family, friends, and God for help and gratefully accepting their help.
I am excited about the changes we all are experiencing, yet I do not envy anyone having and easy go of it. We can all come together for loving support and knowing compassion every problem that we face.
Be sure to watch this blog on September 9th, as I have a special announcement for family and friends. To be exact, at 09:09 am on 09/09/09. Ain't that just cute?
Now playing: Adam Curry & John Dvorak - NA-126-2009-08-30
via FoxyTunes