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Watch, Act, Heal

This walk I have been taking down the little path of spirituality often has dropped me off into a emotional void. Trust and love seem to be the first emotions to close up and withdrawal. With a lifetime of being incorrectly educated to be concerned with others opinions and desires, I have created situations of distrust and conditional love. I have done this to spouses, children and other people, creating victims and martyrs alike. I am changing this with the Four Agreements.

So this emotional void or abyss that one must traverse to gain a better understanding of the different parts of the heart and mind is very scary and I am so convinced it is full of demons and dragons of hurt and suffering. I understand that I must trust myself, in soul purpose and higher mind purpose, to guide and hold a space of openness, trust and love.

To reach for the highest ideal I can access and pay attention thoughts, feelings and intentions I must remain focused, maintaining peak states of Now. Paying attention to emotions. These are the best indicators of alignments with positive or negative emotions.

So how do I, when I find a negative emotion, or find I am out of alignment with my highest ideal, get back into the clothes of unconditional love and trust?

Watch. Make time to observe conscious, energy, and spirit. Get back into nature. See the perfection of plants, trees, flowers and the sky above. Nurture my mind, body and spirit. Get back into a creative play of words, music and dreams. Be the perfection, peace and love of the God creation that I AM.

Act. From a place of love and service act to empower others who are underprivileged, in dis-ease and who are suffering in emotional bondage. The true love of Christ Consciousness is to be in charity.

Heal. While fully dressed in unconditional love heal one's sacred wound. Healing is forgiveness, gratitude, and love in action.

Healing is something that is new to me. The obstacle I have to face is judgmental authority. I have so long been taught that healing only comes through those in authority to judge and forgive. Acting in service or charity is only for those who need charity in their lives. These are falsehoods that I have created or believed about reality. Healing is part of why we are bumping around in this reality. Anyone one of us can heal each other and create ease in our lives.

I am now putting down the thoughts and mindset that one needs authority to act to heal, dis-ease and suffering, of the physical, spiritual and mind bodies.

I write to awaken the mind more fully, heal and enliven the heart, and strengthen the spirit of you and I.


Evita said…

As you continue on your path and journey, consider too Abraham Hicks material on the power of emotions (if you haven't already) and Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, which helps with past hurts, etc.

We have been so wrongly educated, but we are shedding those old coats and putting on new coats of nothing but love and light :)
UltraGuru said…
I have been an avid reader and youtube fan of Abraham for two years now. Tolle's work is wonderful, though I am not currently reading his materials. I did not know "A New Earth" dealt with past hurts. I will have to read that and process.
Thanks for the comment. I am a fan of your sites and enjoy your writing. Cheers.
Evita said…
That is wonderful to hear that you already know about the Abraham material - it is I find really valuable, especially in today's world.

And yeah, Eckhart's book dedicates a big whole section to past hurts, it is really, really good!

And thank you so much for the feedback about my writing, I really appreciate that :)

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