If one goes to Hastings, Best Buy, or another store that sells pre-packaged music (e.g.- CD format or DVD-Audio), one will see that anything that is not Popular Culture Music, Jazz, or Folk Music is lumped into the the section of "Classical." The actual definition of "Classical' differs from the popular culture use, and within the field of learned music, has a meaning that many of you might not know.
So, research the term "Classical" and answer the following quesitons:
What is Classical?
Classical is easily identifiable as something of high regard that has withstood the test of antiquity, and is considered of high value due to appreciation and for its relative simplicity. Classical Mathematics, Classical Languages and so forth. The term classical has been applied to everything from Logic, Dance and even Classical conditioning (Pavlovian conditioning). Classical maybe used to refer to the events that have a special meaning, such as the British Classic Horse Race or the Kentucky Derby Classic.
For me, Classical would be more sophisticated artistically, systematic of order, and a balance of simple controlled emotion.
What is true classical music?
So then true classical music would be tried and true methods of repeatable music forms with recognizable instruments, voice and artistic style. This is how you can have classical styles of music that we enjoy as the music genre matures and evolves. Classical Rock, Classical Country, and other main genres of music have their golden periods and artists.
Composers like Mozart and Haydn creating symphonies and operas that even today still have the same true timbre of the cycle. Classical, too, has its main fault, recognizable character. Which is why, in my opinion, too many scores of movies get put into the category of Classical Music. Yanni, John Tesh and even Jim Brickman are great artists but do not create Classical music.
I do think the books definition is thin leading one to think in small terms of the era, people and influences of this music.
How does the pop culture definition differ from the actual definition?
The typical definition of the genre of Popular Classical Music at the big box music stores lumps some of the best music into a mess of undefinable new age muck and digital synthesized soundtracks. There are just too many of the same arrangements with a different cover due to mass production crammed into a tight knit category.
To the trained eye and ear, one feels angst about the future of good recordings and honest emotions in the music. There are great compositions recreated with great musicians, but the music buyer, not the consumer, makes the ultimate choice of the music that makes it to the store shelves. Even online music stores do not spend the necessary detail to help the discerning ear get to the great music.
Has your idea of Classical changed?
My appreciation of Classical Music has always been one of emotional gratitude. So really my idea has not changed. I do hope others have changed their idea of Classical Music and maybe even move beyond the Golden Oldies of Classical Music and dig deeper into the catalog and get a better look at the treasures hidden within.
You get a Gold Star for your organization and thinking in this discussion. It is one of the better one that I have seen in my time teaching online! Kudos!
Professor R. Scott Beckett DM(ABD)CP
Language, Communications, and Fine Arts
Amarillo College