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Love, Forgiveness, & Gratitude

So many people have thoughts of futility about their lives, it becomes frustrating to actually listen to others peoples conversations. Many are so wrapped up in the rigid patterns of perceived priorities they do not even remember why they are existing; everyday functions are performed on autopilot. Of course having a basic understanding of why we exist and what we are suppose to be accomplishing tend to take many on journeys of the soul. The struggle can be easily overcome for yourself and for everyone else around you if you can utilize these three applications -- love, forgiveness and gratitude. Not to say life will no longer have its challenges; solutions to the insurmountable issues will be much more available if you apply these three aspects.

John Lennon's lyrics to the song "Love" says much about the true measure of love that we need to apply in our worldly lives. "Love is knowing we can be" is pure humanity. The love of God is beyond our understanding and feeling. This godly love is so pure that it lets us experience that we are alone, insignificant and sinful. Or that is what most religions would have you believe of their jealous, demanding and judgmental god. The pure love of God has no reservation, no judgment, no belief of anything less that what we really are; Godselves. Anything less is self destructive; never hurting anyone or anything else other than ourselves. Love is the only solution to overcoming the worldly issues; of the differences we have of each other; of the perceived imperfections we see of these genetic monkey suites we call physical bodies.

I have looked to the heavens with heavy heart and wholly blamed God for my problems, wondering why these things are happening to me. Or I have blamed the devil, my horrible children or just anyone not moving fast enough down a line. The anger and frustration welling up inside just waiting to burst forth in hateful language and screams. Never would we blame ourselves. Avoiding the necessary introspection of the real issue behind the problem. Learning the hard way that every problem occurs for one reason, that we may learn the lesson of forgiveness. Forgiving our self is the most important part of the process of forgiveness. This process is like a wheel, and for any vehicle it must turn to make progress down a path. Forgiveness is a healing tool, for ourselves, others and the universe.

When forgiveness happens a sense of gratitude comes to our senses like the release of a big stretchy yawn. Gratitude is the easiest way to very quickly, with ease and grace, make changes to your life. This important factor, if used everyday, just a few minutes, will open a channel to receive more of the things you are grateful for and give you a deeper understanding of love and forgiveness. This is how the laws of the Universe work. Here is a suggestion, get in front of a mirror and simply tell yourself the things you have gratitude about. To make it easy, start small then work your way to the bigger or more emotive subjects. There are many ways to show gratitude and so many things to give thanks for every day.

Life is not about trying to make some money in a job you hate. Spending your life with a spouse to despise with children you wish would grown up and move out. It's not about resenting the success of others who are different than you. It is simply about the lessons of love of everything that is you. There is nothing to blame on life; there is only the lesson of forgiving. Resentment is not true living either; it's a lesson in gratitude. Get these lessons applied in life and the quality of life will vastly improve. Life will be more peaceful and harmonious; abundance will make itself into your life easier and with much more speed. You just attract more good into life itself.


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