This video submitted by 20-year old Jonathan Reed of Georgia State University in Atlanta received second place. The video is a palindrome poem. A palindrome reads the same backwards as forward. The message reads to the opposite when read backwards. The brilliant one minute and forty-four second video was received with a standing ovation.
The contest was titled "u @ 50" by AARP. This video won second place. When they showed it, everyone in the room was awe-struck and broke into spontaneous applause. So simple and yet so brilliant. Take a minute and watch it.
The contest, launched in August 2007 on YouTube, gave people between the ages of 18 and 30 the chance to submit short videos on the subject of what they expect their lives to be like at age 50. The goal of the U@50 Challenge was to encourage intergenerational dialogue enabling young people to speak their minds and give AARP insight into their views. More than 50 videos were submitted from across the country and from these; the five top videos were selected by a panel of judges.
"The aim of this contest was to create a dialogue between the generations and to gain an understanding of what concerns our future members," said AARP Director of Academic Affairs Harry R. Moody. "We have been impressed with the enthusiasm young people have had for this contest. These videos have done a great job of highlighting the issues that are important to younger Americans in facing their futures."
The winning videos are available for viewing on the contest's website at along with all of the U@50 Challenge submissions.
The only thing I really see going is more Terrorism. There really is no crisis, no real threat to the common person. The value of your money is good. The value of your home is fine. All of the fear that is being touted about, by the media and politicians, concerning the financial situation is just fear; not fact. Fear is the best salesman. Who has lost their life savings? Who has lost their money? Unemployment is at 6% and going down. If you go and pull money out of your Money Market, or Roth IRA, who does it hurt? No one, but the real question is who profits? The politicians need to slow down and think this through. The great depression as was worse than what we have going on now. Here listen and think about what our politician, media and economists need to be doing.