Every one has lots of plans for the Holidays and some of those plans may include spending time at your parents or a relative.
Whether your a cousin wanting to sleep rent-free during the break or a visiting student on holiday, here's 5 easy ways to be a great guest and honorable visitor that will make everyone's stay enjoyable (and be invited back!).
Hope this will help you out during the holidays and make your stay with any friends or family enjoyable and fond. Just a doing a few nice things for your host can make it easy to ask to come back again.
Whether your a cousin wanting to sleep rent-free during the break or a visiting student on holiday, here's 5 easy ways to be a great guest and honorable visitor that will make everyone's stay enjoyable (and be invited back!).
- Show up with a small gift, leave a note of thanks
Even if you're a student, presenting yourself with a huge bag of laundry will not make the best first impression. Get you a small inexpensive gift such as a Tea Cup Sampler Gift Basket
or cheerful flowers for the hostess (even if it is just Mom) or a box of chocolates? Something from a tourist curious shop along your journey of states or cities make for nice gifts.
Before you head out the door with your clean folded clothes; leave a Thank You Card. No need to make it wordy or poetic; just a nice note card. It is another nice way to ensure that you'll be welcome back next time.
- Make yourself at home, with some reasonable behavior
Sure nothing has changed at Aunt Myerna's, not even the little seashell soaps in the guest bathroom. Help yourself to a drink, but ask if anyone else wants some too. Get your own glass of water, or snacks, but check your not inadvertenly eating your Uncle Frank's Sea Salt chips.
Don't take your host's for granted, though. Inviting a bunch of friends over without asking, then raiding the liquor cabinet, and making lots of noise during late night poker is unreasonable behavior. Be respectful of their rules. You may be all grown up, but the rules still apply.
This may also mean, adjusting your routines of sleeping and eating to match your families. Modify your schedule a bit. - Make yourself worthwhile; do something without being told
Here is a guaranteed way impress your host -- do a chore without being asked. If your Mom and Dad have been working or shopping and you're in the house, why not do the dishes, fold a stack of laundry, or take out the garbage?
Just few minutes of your time is worth it. Your hosts will be mildly surprised and will remember the task months later when you ask to drop in for a few days in the spring. - If your headed out, let the Host know
The indepedant adult life has some nice perks. The ability to come and go as you please and not have to report the going on's in your life. But when your staying with family or friends, it's courteous to let them know that you're going out and give them an idea of when you'll be back. Do this especially if you being loaned Mom's mini-van. Never stay out to long in bad weather conditions. This can just worry Mom. - Spend sometime quality time with the hosts - Join in the activities
Don't treat your host's place as a free motel to crash at when you stagger home in the wee hours dawn. Spend some of your time with your hosts, outside of maybe the planned holiday activities. Check out a fun movie, go bowling or some other group activity.
If you are the big brother or sister, reconnect with your younger siblings. Yes, you've grown up and even grow apart in the few months or years you've been away -- but so have your siblings. Find out what new things you have in common.
Hope this will help you out during the holidays and make your stay with any friends or family enjoyable and fond. Just a doing a few nice things for your host can make it easy to ask to come back again.