Quilting for Humanity 2008, Amarillo Tx
Originally uploaded by Brandon Carpenter
In September, several families came together and created the Quilts for Humanity 2008. The purpose was to make quilts for humanitarian relief, donating them to several organizations and storing several of the quilts for local relief.
I got see these families show their time and efforts in the making of the quilts. The quality and craftsmanship is amazing. There were many quilts that show intelligence, wisdom and humor. My favorite style of quilt were the "I Spy" quilts.
The "I Spy" quilts had clues on outer edge with the center area containing all the images. T-Rex was a clue, and then you would spend sometime finding the hidden T-Rex or sometimes multiples.
The quilters are a tight knit society. Not to trusting of those outside of the circle of friends and getting inside that circle can be a task in honest integrity.
There are many quilting shops all over the US. There is even a thick Yellow Page book of all the different shops and fabric stores. The book is even geotagged and there are even geotag maps to load in your Garmin
when you take to the highways. Quilters will travel along the highways, stopping at these little shops. Even some of smallest of towns may have a famous quilt shop.
Some of the interesting concepts that the quilters share in, swatch cuts and strips. The swatches are geometric shapes that make up the main design of the American quilt pattern. When a quilter will make their swatches they may have extras. They will either donate them to their favorite quilt shop, give them to a friend or save them for a another quilt later.
The swatches sometimes are what makes a quilt. The combination of different swatches tell stories or give clues to a theme. Sometimes quilters will visit several different stores to find the right pattern.
I came across a really cool business that I think would benefit quilters and the people who come up with these great fabric designs. It is call SpoonFlower. They allow crafter's to revolutionize their own designs.
But what is really awesome about this company? The are an American company, bring industry back into the US of A. The are in the Old textile district of North Carolina. A couple of Internet Marketers and several real crafters have created this wonderful little company with real intentions of using good old American know-how and hardwork. To benefit an industry that has long been turned over to robotics and computers.
So check them out. I plan on using some my photographs for some original swatches and make a Amarillo Signs Quilt.