I do need to post an image of me, so that everyone know me and can maybe get a handle on my personality.
Iain took this picture, while I was in my office working. He went camera button nuts and took lots of pictures. Since he is six, I have been working with him about where to aim the camera to take a picture. I have been teaching him the "Rule of Thirds" and about how to hold the camera. He likes to smash the camera button and then move the camera right after pushing the button. So lots images are blurred or smeared.
I have been thinking of researching for a blogging app for my Palm T|T. This would be handy to do more than make notes with it. But to get all the notes together and then make the post. Then when I sync the T|T a post is made.
Iain took this picture, while I was in my office working. He went camera button nuts and took lots of pictures. Since he is six, I have been working with him about where to aim the camera to take a picture. I have been teaching him the "Rule of Thirds" and about how to hold the camera. He likes to smash the camera button and then move the camera right after pushing the button. So lots images are blurred or smeared.
I have been thinking of researching for a blogging app for my Palm T|T. This would be handy to do more than make notes with it. But to get all the notes together and then make the post. Then when I sync the T|T a post is made.