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True Sacred Union

I was awakened to a vision of Mary Magdalene on the night of the Summer Solstice, June, 21st, 2009. A most beautiful vision was opened to my eyes upon hearing my named calmly called out from my slumber. This personage was above me seemingly on a beam of cloudy light that opened a doorway from a dark tunnel. She was dressed in dark blue robes with a white shawl upon her head still again covered by a headpiece of the same blue. Upon her neck and wrists were white lace. It was very similar to the images Mary Magdalene that I have seen, since.

As she hovered before me, I took notice of every detail. Her eyes were piercing but soft with forgiveness. Her skin seemed to glow yet somehow translucent. All around her head was a golden white glow. This glow emanated as rays of light from the sleeves of her robe. Her palms were showing and her arms were spread outward as if to receive and give at once. From the middle of her chest also came a ray of light. The colors were slightly different that came from her heart. These colors were gold, green and pink. This ray came directly to my heart which began to expand into a ball of light swirled with the same colors.

All the light that came from her was almost blinding, suffer-able, yet still put me on my knees. I had pangs of guilt, unworthiness and self-doubt. There was so much love, peace and joy that came from her. It was the first time that I have ever felt such emotions coming to me from another. I felt and immense amount of suffering, shame and guilt released from me with her first words, "Brandon, the time of suffering and shame is come to an end."

"I bring you 7 principles to apply to the physical body and 7 principles to apply to the spiritual body. Each are to be applied in unison for the upliftment of the body and soul into the ascension Christed Conscientiousness."

For your Physical Upliftment:
1. Balance service and rest.
2. Be honest in every action
3. Make your marriage a sacred union
4. Treasure knowledge
5. Heal yourself, Heal others
6. Cherish the your sacred vessel (Body)
7. Be the best at what you do.

For your Spiritual Upliftment:
1. Be eternally full and present
2. Honesty in every word
3. Make your marriage a sacred union
4. Be of good courage, Love what is.
5. Do not judge, make every choice for love.
6. Seek with in the gift of grace for your Divinity
7. Charity in deeds of service

"Taking these principles of upliftment into your heart will be the same as taking me into your heart. You already have Christ in your heart, now take me into your heart and you shall be healed."

"You have been a Valiant warrior of Spirit for many lifetimes and have stood gallantly in the truth. The time of Shame and Guilt are at an end. Stand forth proudly and know love in your heart."

Then she withdrew into the lighted passage, darkness of my room coming back to my eyes. A feeling or sense of great peace took over my soul. Not just in my heart, but also in my mind and body. I found myself on my knees next to my bed.

Since that night, Mary Magdalene has been coming back nightly to me with the same message. Sometimes she does change or add a message at the end. Only a few times have I had opportunity to ask a question. She has expounded upon her sayings, briefly. The gentle call of her voice repeats the same message. I do not know that any of this message is for the masses or for just me. It seems very personal. I have no idea why I have been chosen for such visitation.

I have been raised in the predominantly patriarchal LDS church. Though women are too be held in spiritual esteem and equality, they are still subjugated to masculine authority. They are not allowed to serve in roles of true leadership. The Relief Society is the women's organization within the system of the church. It's purpose is charity. This organization is wonderful in its purpose and design.

Still, women are not allowed to hold the priesthoods, hold positions of authority, participate in the finances of the church and many more religious obligations are withheld.

There is so much about all this continuing vision and visitations that go against my beliefs. I question constantly what I am experiencing. I challenge these beliefs, that same way I have challenged old beliefs and patterns I no longer have or believe. I get such a calming beautiful effect. I get the warming of the heart. I get the calming of the mind. All this is what the scriptures have taught as clear messages from the spirit of the truth.

Let me be poignant. As I have integrated this knowledge into my being, I have made many changes and have seen many more areas of my life I need to work through. It is not at all easy. My life is totally disrupted. My relationship with my spouse has deteriorated despite my best attempts at resolution of my many faults. Marital divorce looms at my doorstep. Divorce from church, beliefs, and systems that require changes to walk along my same path.

I can no longer stand under the threat of unrighteous dominion from church fellows who claim judgment over my spirituality. It is becoming obvious at every occasion that there have been lies and obfuscations about any religious past. Many things have been hidden and lie in the dark. For what purpose?

I claim no special knowledge or authority of the life of Mary Magdalene. Since that time I have begun to learn more from her and from others. Other visions I have had, Metatron, Micheal and Others. I find my reality is very questionable. I was seeking none of these things except a greater understanding of my purpose and meaning.

I have found myself in these visions arguing to the point of screaming angrily and being confrontational. No matter each time, only gentle words, love and joy have exuded from these beings. I am unable to continue my anger, knowing it is only my ignorance and failure at understanding that brings me to such feelings.

I want to make one point to every religion, especially the LDS church. If marriage is to be a sacred union as each church ascribes too. Then each religion must accept the reality of Christ, the Savior, holy anointed in marriage. We must seek this sacred union in our marriage. This means men must no longer subjugate women in marriage, religion and in the workplace. Women must be treated as equals.

The sacred union of Mary Magdalene and Christ and their deeply loving and sacred relationship is the greatest example of a marriage of any man and woman. But the story of this marriage has been hidden and kept a secret from all but a few. The reasons are mostly selfish bigotry of a religious order that aims to keep in check the power of the feminine spirituality. The true teachings of Christ and his wife Mary, are the most powerful gospel of God. They had a love that the intensity, purity and innocence is beyond human understanding.

All of God's children must put off the mantle of judgment, dominion over another and become Christ-like. Truly search our hearts and come upon the feminine aspects of ourselves and God.


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