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Keyword of the times - Kindness

I have been hearing many speaking of gloom and doom; for our immediate future and our long term outlook. It is times like these that I know the best way is to deal with some of the ugly things coming at us with a dose of kindness.

First thing is think of getting your things in order. Get rid of the things you are not using by giving it to someone who can use it. This will help bring more into your world. Organize and prepare every needful thing, for your family and yourself. This is the time to use the good part of selfish.

Second, with the economy taking a nose dive things at home get stressful. Domestic crimes due tend to rise, theft and violence always bubble up when desperation sneaks in into our lives. Keep an eye on coworkers, friends and associates. This is the time to expand who we know and who knows you. The signs will be just as evident of their crisis as it will be with your situation. Your open ear and friendly shoulder will comfort depression and victims of violence. Make sure everyone knows you are the one they can rely on for the Charity that is lacking.

Third, encourage your associates, employers and colleges to become more humane in their communications and associations. This is the time employers should be stepping up for charities, sponsoring local organizations, and showing they are really out for the betterment of the community. The companies need to be really helping out with Boys and Girl Scouts, other Church missions and showing support to local charities. This is the time when those large corporations, Wal-Mart, McDonalds, Dollar Tree and other low value stores can show their high morals.

Fourth, learning something new, spiritually. Do not open up your scriptures and think you got all the answers. The scriptures are simply, like history books, things we have not learned from the past. This goes for any scripture, Koran, Bible, ancient texts. Get out there and be Charity, Love and Goodwill. You have within you the entire library of Knowledge. You just have to open it up. Ask within yourself the questions you have and you will get the answer.

I have looked to my key influences, the people who have made the most impact in my life. They have always been patient, kind, non-demanding, givers of need, just and listen with their heart. We have no time to deal with those who put their view points upon us unjustly. The time is upon us to give unconditionally and to receive the same. Our opportunity to learn from others misfortunes is at hand and we need to show we are humans with hearts that are full of love and understanding even when desperation has us in its clutches.


You should listen to this: Ed Burleson - All Bucked Up
via FoxyTunes


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