This walk I have been taking down the little path of spirituality often has dropped me off into a emotional void. Trust and love seem to be the first emotions to close up and withdrawal. With a lifetime of being incorrectly educated to be concerned with others opinions and desires, I have created situations of distrust and conditional love. I have done this to spouses, children and other people, creating victims and martyrs alike. I am changing this with the Four Agreements. So this emotional void or abyss that one must traverse to gain a better understanding of the different parts of the heart and mind is very scary and I am so convinced it is full of demons and dragons of hurt and suffering. I understand that I must trust myself, in soul purpose and higher mind purpose, to guide and hold a space of openness, trust and love. To reach for the highest ideal I can access and pay attention thoughts, feelings and intentions I must remain focused, maintaining peak states of Now. Paying atte...
I write to awaken the mind more fully, heal and enliven the heart, and strengthen the spirit of you and I. I will try to be as transparent as I can be, while trying to make these changes. I am an individual who has lots of fears to overcome, lots of healing to do, and a long road to reclaim my godhood or place with God in the Universe.