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Showing posts from July, 2009

Watch, Act, Heal

This walk I have been taking down the little path of spirituality often has dropped me off into a emotional void. Trust and love seem to be the first emotions to close up and withdrawal. With a lifetime of being incorrectly educated to be concerned with others opinions and desires, I have created situations of distrust and conditional love. I have done this to spouses, children and other people, creating victims and martyrs alike. I am changing this with the Four Agreements. So this emotional void or abyss that one must traverse to gain a better understanding of the different parts of the heart and mind is very scary and I am so convinced it is full of demons and dragons of hurt and suffering. I understand that I must trust myself, in soul purpose and higher mind purpose, to guide and hold a space of openness, trust and love. To reach for the highest ideal I can access and pay attention thoughts, feelings and intentions I must remain focused, maintaining peak states of Now. Paying atte...

Giving more to my spouse

Currently I am working through several books, self-help, higher consciousness, type books. One is by Steve Pavlina "Personal Development for Smart People" and another Don Miguel Ruiz "The Four Agreements". My goal was to read three books a month that will challenge me to make changes. Of course I still have my other spiritual studies that I am to complete. I am doing okay on this challenge. Recently my lovely spouse has decided to be really challenging too my development and has produced a list of "expectations" she has for a spouse. To say the least, she has been frustrated with me lately. Understandably so. So in return I will be making a list of intentions for her. I am working through the list and making sure that each thing is inspiring, practical, purposeful and yet just challenging enough to not provoking to her free agency, goals and desires. Before I get into finalizing that list I am going to make some of my intentions known to the world, my sp...

Music Appreciation Online Class Post

Currently I am taking a Music Appreciation online class from my local community college. Part of the class is of course discussion. Since it is a closed forum I thought I would post my answer to this discussion. I am doing so mainly because the professor really liked my statements about the questions asked. Please enjoy. Begin-- If one goes to Hastings, Best Buy, or another store that sells pre-packaged music (e.g.- CD format or DVD-Audio), one will see that anything that is not Popular Culture Music, Jazz, or Folk Music is lumped into the the section of "Classical." The actual definition of "Classical' differs from the popular culture use, and within the field of learned music, has a meaning that many of you might not know. So, research the term "Classical" and answer the following quesitons: What is Classical? Classical is easily identifiable as something of high regard that has withstood the test of antiquity, and is considered of high value due to appr...