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A Moment with the Master

I am not sure that if a demon were to manifest right before me in such horrific detail that I would be affected as much if I found myself alone in desolation. Not really afraid of the dark as much I am fearful of what the full light could show.
I wanted to speak to myself for just a moment. Do you do that, talk to that person that is always talking in your head? I have lots to say, when I can get a word in between the chatter.
You should never believe the lesser men that espouse to teach the lessons of the great masters of the past. They smell of hypocrasy and there is potential dangers of the mass of humanity, the dullness, colorless, boring; the masses are the final tyrants on monotony. It is the primitive power that can be the cage of your power.
Do you ask your Self these questions, when you are alone in the car or in the dark? How powerful are you and what are you really? You are not to ask of God, gods, spirits or ancestors, nor rely on them your whole life. They might help you realize the power you have within. Which is why you are searching to realize who you are and what you really are. But your time with them should be limited. Spend more time with the self.
You are not a lover pining for unrequited love when you are looking at the spiritual power that is within you. There is such brilliance in the spotlight that does not dim in the corners of your shadow self that hides itself.
Such are you in the time that you have access to such powerful tools that none have ever had to reach within and find that which is without the realm of your being. Not a multi-tasking smart device. Not the giant color boards to light the night. Not even the soon to be release illusionary device that will change the very sky you are viewing. There is the mind and the imagination that wells up the emotions to the very surface that everyone wants to bury away like a dead animal.
It is the emotions that help the reality about you to form, decoded from the mind, with a level of energy and shared beliefs. But your percievment of them is just a field of information of the bases level. But it is the information that the mind becomes addicted to, that simply enslaves you. You must wake up out of the dream of powerlessness that has taken your dreams to the nightmare of the light you fear.
What you are trying to do is to become, aware, consciousness and a witness. When you become these things at one time you become the creator of the reality around you. Why let the information you percieve as reality rule you? When the master painter takes up the brush and makes his painting does he become addicted to colors or does she paint the entire picture in one stroke?
You are the pure perception of the life and experience of what you choose to percieve at any given moment. What you bring attention to is what your life becomes; this is all part of the saying that thoughs become reality. But it is what you witness becomes reality.
It is through the emotions that the universe reacts to your reality and makes the changes so the mind can accept a change in reality. You are not the action of your fingers, arms and legs making physical changes to the world. You are the source and cause for a power that has tremendous power and light. You are the Eternity to BE. Your actions are the Name of God. Your light is Her face.


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