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Today is the day of the Revolution!

The carefully guarded legacy of the Beatles is to be unleashed again upon the world. It is truly another invasion in the form of a Revolution. The release of the third popular "Rock Band" and "Guitar Hero" allow players to mimic their favorite Beatles band member with "The Beatles: Rock Band."

Forty-five Beatles tunes are featured in the game with instrumental parts, accompanied by animation sequences that will draw oohs and ahhs from fans. Fans choose a song and a member of the band, like, George Harrison's guitar line on "Day Tripper" and follow along as the animated Beatles perform.

Fans will play their favorite songs through great venues such as the Cavern Club and Shea Stadium. Later sequences take place in Abbey Road studio and other interpretive fantasy environments inspired by song lyrics and themes.

The seed was planted by son of George Harrision, the late Beatles guitarist, Dhani Harrison, who approached Harmonix with the idea. Every detail required approval from Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, Yoko Ono and Olivia Harrison, the "Rock Band" team was given plenty of creative leeway.

The deal will is unprecedented licensing contract of 10 Million upfront for song licensing, according to the Los Angeles Times. The Beatles and other rights holders stand to gain another $40 million in royalites.

Fans of Rock Band will be able to dive right in by dropping $60 and use the accesories they already own. Others can choose from two special configurations: $250 Limited-edition bundle, whish includes the game along with Beatles-tailored gear, with controllers styled afdter RickenBacker and Cretsch guitars; or a $150 special-value bundle, with the game and standard "Rock Band" gear.

Of course one should already have an available game system.

A new twist for "Rock Band" and son of the most challenging aspects of the game is the new harmony parts. The more accurate the singing, the bigger the points rewarded.

MTV Games senior vice president Bob Picunko figures there are two big audiences for the new title: "It's a way to introduce rhythm-music games to Beatles fans, and introduce the Beatles to younger gaming fans."

"Coming in as a casual Beatles fan, you start learning about the complexities of this music in a much more direct and visceral way by playing it," says Foster. "Playing 'Taxman,' you realize how insane Paul's bass part gets -- in the middle of the song, it totally goes off script. You can't help but be confronted by those moments of creativity, those bursts of inspiration."

As a special bonus for my friends and family, I have a special coupon for a special price reduction. So if you are family or friends and want the Rock Band: The Beatles Limited-Edition for a special value, please click the previous link. This is only good for a few days.

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