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Adventures of an eBay writer, instructor and educator

Adventures of an eBay writer, instructor and educator
This is the blog for Janelle Elms of Ebay University, Ebay Stores, etc...
She is an awesome person who has things going in the right direction. After reading her blog, from what she reveals about herself, I find her to be honest, outgoing, and self assured. Plus she like 4x4'in!
If you are an ebay person, looking for some marketing direction she has the keys to those doors. The only thing that I think could be improved in her class, would be more emphisis upon the social marketing aspects. But then again I think this would take a whole day for those discussions.
After the classes, most of the people where coming to me to ask about the social marketing, thanks to her comment about me being a social marketing guru. I wish!
For those who do not want to be a ebay seller, there are plenty of work for you if you can get in with these power sellers.
One member of the class sold film, 16mm - 70mm. He did not have a newsletter about his products, no reviews, no guides, no blog. His store did not even have the RSS feeds turned on. Jannelle did this for him with the entire class watching. This guy could also benefit from the whole social marketing but blogging, podcasting, and getting out there for his customers to learn about his product.
I also think that audio/video media needs to utilized more within any of the ecommerce triangle.
I have been selling Music CD's, that information is provided by Muse. Picture, Artist Info, and track listing. But a snippet of sound would be better, to have so a buyer could sample the tracks.
I know where Ebay could get all the snippets they want, and probably for cheap.


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