I must be very honest. I am so tired of the favorite trick of religion to try and control people, the guilt trip. Constant effort to is put into communication that the wrathful zapping jealous God will withdraw his love, blessing and covenants if you, His perfect creation do not do as you are told. No organization is necessary or even desirable to have a wonderful spiritual loving relationship with GOD. Any who use guilt or scare tactics such as "withdrawing the spirit", "blessings of the covenant are withheld" or being "cast into everlasting darkness" are accurately representing God. These are just beliefs grounded in fear and lack of that organization continuance beyond its current membership and mortal leaders. "Sinners Welcome" on a huge billboard tells you to come and join in the fellowship. But if you take your tithes and go somewhere else or worship God in truth you are a sinner and are condemned. All of Christianity and Islam use these ta...
I write to awaken the mind more fully, heal and enliven the heart, and strengthen the spirit of you and I. I will try to be as transparent as I can be, while trying to make these changes. I am an individual who has lots of fears to overcome, lots of healing to do, and a long road to reclaim my godhood or place with God in the Universe.