So many people have thoughts of futility about their lives, it becomes frustrating to actually listen to others peoples conversations. Many are so wrapped up in the rigid patterns of perceived priorities they do not even remember why they are existing; everyday functions are performed on autopilot. Of course having a basic understanding of why we exist and what we are suppose to be accomplishing tend to take many on journeys of the soul. The struggle can be easily overcome for yourself and for everyone else around you if you can utilize these three applications -- love, forgiveness and gratitude. Not to say life will no longer have its challenges; solutions to the insurmountable issues will be much more available if you apply these three aspects. John Lennon's lyrics to the song "Love" says much about the true measure of love that we need to apply in our worldly lives. "Love is knowing we can be" is pure humanity. The love of God is beyond our understanding and ...
I write to awaken the mind more fully, heal and enliven the heart, and strengthen the spirit of you and I. I will try to be as transparent as I can be, while trying to make these changes. I am an individual who has lots of fears to overcome, lots of healing to do, and a long road to reclaim my godhood or place with God in the Universe.