Cut the pork! First of all, find out if your Rep voted against this crazy bail out. If they gave it a Yay, treat them kindly and then threaten this idoit with treason. On the Nay, treat them kindly with respect and then remind them Wall Street still has a gun to their head but at home there are a ton of voters with guns. These are the things that need to happen with any kind of bail out before it should even become acceptable. 1.) There needs to be an oversight group with a badge and a gun to watch Wall Street spending. 2.) Penalties, Fines, Imprisonment for any Executive who might steal any of the people's money. Death is still a good idea, too. 3.) Force the idiots at the bank and lending institutions to rewrite people's mortgages to avoid foreclosures. 4.) The Legislation has got to have some teeth. Get rid of weak language. Make the language clear and concise. That is just the Legislation. Next will be the Media and Press.
I write to awaken the mind more fully, heal and enliven the heart, and strengthen the spirit of you and I. I will try to be as transparent as I can be, while trying to make these changes. I am an individual who has lots of fears to overcome, lots of healing to do, and a long road to reclaim my godhood or place with God in the Universe.